Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What is Love? Baby, don’t hurt me. 1 Cor. 13: 4-7

What if every child in the world could say…My parents love me.
I know because they are patient and gentle with me.
They treat me with kindness. They are not cruel, or eager to punish me.
They don’t do evil things to me or take out their frustrations on me. Nor will they ignore me or forget about me.
When I am happy it makes them happy also. They rejoice in my successes.
They share what they have with me. My needs are important to them.
They are not sarcastic or rude to me. They don’t laugh at me, or make fun of me.
They always welcome me, never push me away. They want to spend time with me.
They don’t keep a mental list of all the times that I misbehaved or made mistakes.
They forgive me, restore me, help me find the right path.
They are glad when I am truthful. They don’t want me to hide things form them, even my true thoughts or questions.
They never throw me out of the family. They are loyal to me.
They always believe the best of me even when I don’t deserve it.
They are fiercely on my side. They protect me. They have hope for me.

And what if every wife could say…My husband loves me.
I know because he is so patient with me. He does not lose his temper on me.
He is always kind to me, not cruel. He will not harm me. He will not take out his frustrations on me.
He will not ignore me. When I am happy it makes him happy also.
He shares what he has with me. My needs are important to him.
He is not sarcastic or rude to me. He doesn’t laugh at me, or make fun of me.
He gives me high priority. Always makes time for me. Doesn’t put me last. Wants to hear my opinion.
He doesn’t keep a list of the times that I messed up. He forgives and forgets. We start fresh.
I can be truthful with him. And he gives me the truth in kind and gentle ways.
He never gives up on me and kicks me out. He is loyal to me.
He always assumes the best of me. He trusts me.
He always defends me. He is always on my side.
He always protects me. He has high hopes for us.
(Of course we should also turn this to say, “My wife loves me” in the same way.)

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 tells us that this is exactly what perfect love is. Therefore we can say…God loves me.
He will always be patient with me. He is not mad at me or demanding my allegiance.
He is always kind to me, not cruel. He is not out to harm me. Nor will He forget about me.
When I am happy it makes Him happy also. He wants good for me, not evil.
He shares what He has with me. My needs are important to Him.
He is not sarcastic or rude to me. He doesn’t laugh at me, or scoff at me, or send me away.
He gives me high priority. Always has time for me. He longs to spend time with me.
He doesn’t keep a list of the times that I messed up. He forgets them. We start fresh.
Through Jesus He forgives me, and renews our relationship. He shows me the right path.
He wants me to know truth. He gives me the truth in kind and gentle ways. The Holy Spirit and the Bible.
He wants to know the true me, all of me.
He never gives up on me and kicks me out of his family. He is loyal to me.
He always defends me. He is always cheering for me.
He always protects me. He has high hopes for me. He never fails.

No parent or spouse can possibly love us as well as God does. We each need His help, His healing, and His perfect love.

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